Henry Muirhead left a large portion of his savings to establish a college to be called Muirhead College in or near Glasgow for the instruction of women in physical and biological science. These women students were to receive an education to enable them to practise as medical practitioners, dentists, electricians, chemists etc.
Dr Henry stated "I Henry Muirhead M.D., LL.D., Bushyhill, on the consideration that I have all my life been very much indebted to the aid of Women... and seeing how small a share of real, good, solid and scientific education has been accorded to women, I have been induced to Bequeath the greater portion of my savings for the purpose of erecting and partially endowing an Institution or College somewhat after the model of the Old Andersonian, for the Education of Women by Women, as far as that can be practically and judiciously be carried out."
Unfortunately, Dr Henry Muirhead's Trustees were unable to carry out his request for various reasons, and it was decided that a Muirhead Trust Fund, regulated by a Private Act of Parliament, "Muirhead Trust Order Confirmation Act 1910" would be a practical solution.
In 1911, Dr Henry's Trustees endowed the University of Glasgow with the Muirhead Chair of Medicine; the Muirhead Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; the St Mungo Chair of Surgery and the St Mungo-Notman Chair of Pathology. These chairs are no longer supported.
The Trustees continue to award students at University of Glasgow with the Muirhead Award for Medicine and at the University of Strathclyde there are Awards for years 1, 2 and 3 in Pharmacy.
Each year the trustees meet to award small hardship grants to Scottish female students studying in Scotland in one of the following disciplines: Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Dentistry. Science and Engineering, including Biological and Chemical Engineering as well as the more traditional Engineering subjects, are also supported.
Female students who are of Scottish origin or have lived most of their lives in Scotland, preferably studying in Scotland are eligible to apply for funding from the Muirhead Trust
The Trust supports aspiring medical practitioners, Veterinary Medical practitioners, Pharmacists, Nurses and Dentists. The Trust also supports female students studying Science and Engineering, including Biological and Chemical Engineering as well as the more traditional Engineering subjects.
Biomedical, Environmental, Forensic Science, Life Sciences, and Arts and Humanities are out with the Trust's remit.
PhD funding is not supported by the Muirhead Trust.
The Muirhead Trust is committed to protecting the privacy of its applicants. If you apply for an award, the personal data you submit will be held on a secure password protected site. This is necessary to enable the Trustees to assess your application and to administer any award. Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on 25th May 2018, 'Legitimate interest' is the lawful basis for processing your personal data.
The personal information you provide in your application will be made available only to Trustees who have a role in assessing applications. It will not be shared with any other parties. It will be used only for the purpose of assessing your application. Individual data relating to unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed following the awards meeting. Individual data relating to successful applicants will be destroyed at the end of the period of the award.
In addition to the personal information provided at the application stage, the Trust may request further personal data to enable awards to be paid. Such data will be made available only to Trustees who have a direct role in administering or monitoring awards.
Some information you provide may be used to support data analysis. Any analysis will present aggregated, but not personal, data in any public report.
The Trust is registered with the Charity Commission. It is required to submit an Annual Report, which will be made publicly accessible. The report may contain names of awardees for the year in question and the amount of their award. It will contain no further personal information.
If you have any questions about the way in which we hold and process your personal information, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Trust.
Although the Muirhead Trust is a small Trust with limited funds and income, it has nevertheless been able to assist many students, to varying extents, over the years. The calls for financial assistance are now being received in greater numbers than the Trust can adequately service. The Trustees would like to think that perhaps students who have received assistance from the Trust might, in years to come when they are in gainful employment, consider donating to the Trust which could then help another student facing financial difficulties similar to those they themselves had experienced.
If you wish to donate to the Trust, please email or write to the address below.