
Female students who are of Scottish origin or have lived most of their lives in Scotland, preferably studying in Scotland are eligible to apply for funding from the Muirhead Trust

The Trust supports aspiring medical practitioners, Veterinary Medical practitioners, Pharmacists, Nurses and Dentists. The Trust also supports female students studying Science and Engineering, including Biological and Chemical Engineering as well as the more traditional Engineering subjects.

Biomedical, Environmental, Forensic Science, Life Sciences, and Arts and Humanities are out with the Trust's remit.

PhD funding is not supported by the Muirhead Trust.

Notes for applicants

  • Please enclose an academic transcript with your application.
  • For students about to enter their first year of study, please provide evidence of your unconditional offer.
  • Please provide evidence that you have met the conditions of your offer as soon as you have been informed.
  • If you were in receipt of a grant from the Muirhead Trust, we request you send a letter or report informing the Trust of your personal year of study.
  • The Trust may decide to meet all the beneficiaries of awards at the end of the academic year.

Although the Muirhead Trust is a small Trust with limited funds and income, it has nevertheless been able to assist many students, to varying extents, over the years. The calls for financial assistance are now being received in greater numbers than the Trust can adequately service. The Trustees would like to think that perhaps students who have received assistance from the Trust might, in years to come when they are in gainful employment, consider donating to the Trust which could then help another student facing financial difficulties similar to those they themselves had experienced.

If you wish to donate to the Trust, please email or write to the address below.

Email: william.vernall@milnecraig.co.uk